__halt_compiler() | abstract | and | array() | as |
break | callable (as of PHP 5.4) | case | catch | class |
clone | const | continue | declare | default |
die() | do | echo | else | elseif |
empty() | enddeclare | endfor | endforeach | endif |
endswitch | endwhile | eval() | exit() | extends |
final | for | foreach | function | global |
goto (as of PHP 5.3) | if | implements | include | include_once |
instanceof | insteadof (as of PHP 5.4) | interface | isset() | list() |
namespace (as of PHP 5.3) | new | or | private | |
protected | public | require | require_once | return |
static | switch | throw | trait (as of PHP 5.4) | try |
unset() | use | var | while | xor |
Wednesday, 6 February 2013
PHP Keywords
Top 100 Google searching
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Oracle Reserved Words The following words are reserved by Oracle. That is, they have a special meaning to Oracle and so cannot be redefi...
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What PageRanks do your competitors homepage have? If your site is a PageRank 1 and your competitors' are a PageRank 9, there's n...