Wednesday 6 February 2013

C++ Reserved Words

The reserved words of C++ may be conveniently placed into several groups. In the first group we put those that were also present in the C programming language and have been carried over into C++. There are 32 of these, and here they are:
auto   const     double  float  int       short   struct   unsigned
break  continue  else    for    long      signed  switch   void
case   default   enum    goto   register  sizeof  typedef  volatile
char   do        extern  if     return    static  union    while
There are another 30 reserved words that were not in C, are therefore new to C++, and here they are:
asm         dynamic_cast  namespace  reinterpret_cast  try
bool        explicit      new        static_cast       typeid
catch       false         operator   template          typename
class       friend        private    this              using
const_cast  inline        public     throw             virtual
delete      mutable       protected  true              wchar_t
The following 11 C++ reserved words are not essential when the standard ASCII character set is being used, but they have been added to provide more readable alternatives for some of the C++ operators, and also to facilitate programming with character sets that lack characters needed by C++.
and      bitand   compl   not_eq   or_eq   xor_eq
and_eq   bitor    not     or       xor

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